TEAM - Salt Lake City, UT

Jason Hindman

Instagram: @jasonhindman

What is your Hometown / Home Mountain?

Hailing from western PA, My current home is Salt Lake City! Utah has so many dope resorts! PC's Park and Pipe are always on point! Brighton has the slickest steel! When the snow is good every resort in Utah is ballin!

What is your favorite place to ride?

My absolute favorite boarding is warm spring park days! Otherwise I'm huntin' freshies

What is your favorite snowboard movie?

Man there are so many!! #1 has to be The Resistance, and shout out to Decade, Tech Diff, the Wildcats and Whiskey Movies!!!

Who or what originally got you into snowboarding? 

My Uncle Rich got a blacksnow for xmas in '88. His bro (my dad) quickly became interested after we were all messin around in the yard. They both dove in deep on boardin' the following year and in 1990 I got my first deck. I still have it as well as the Black Snow that started it all!!

Who inspires you?

Tons of inspiration from so many people! In addition to anyone who is doing life right, all of the incredible styles from riders past and present. There is nothing more motivating to keep progressing for me than seeing someone do some sick shit and then being like, "Yup, I'm gonna figure that out." then having it come to fruition. Im talkin everything from tricks and style to DIY shit, and being a good human.

First chair or last call?

The tables have turned! Used to be both, then Last Call, now First Chair...but I do hate getting up early.

Favorite Apres or way to recover after a day on hill.

Beers, direct ice massage, and foam rolling are life.

Jason's Board of CHoice

Men's Proto Ultra

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