Ethan Hintermeister
Instagram: @ethan__lukas
Stance: I ride regular but some of my favorite tricks are switch
What is your Hometown / Home Mountain?
My hometown is Cambridge, MN & Trollhaugen
What is your favorite place to ride?
My favorite place to ride is trollhaugen’s Valhalla park, they’re always coming up with new and fun sets.
What is your feature in a terrain park?
I love launch rails and a good flat to dfd, hits the spot.
What's on your riding playlist?
I listen to a bit of everything depending on how I’m feeling while riding. Rap, indy, rock. A nice variety.
Favorite Post Shred Activity?
After a day on hill my favorite thing to do is relax and work on my drawing portfolio.
What’s your go-to riding pocket snack?
Go to pocket snack would be trail mix with m&m’s
What got you into snowboarding?
I didn’t exactly grow up where snowboarding was hot. I gotta say when I was a kid, sledding was always more fun standing up. My parents randomly took me to Wild Mtn since I was like 10, and I got my first season pass there in 7th grade. Met my homie Devin Desean around that time. He taught me to boardslide and we learned everything together after that. Since then, my favorite thing to do was snowboard.