What is your Hometown / Home Mountain?
Grand Haven, MI & Trollhaugen
What is your favorite place to ride?
Nothing beats rope tow laps in the park at Trollhaugen!
What's on your riding playlist?
Destroy Boys Allah-Las Fuzz MeatBodies Tess Parks Cherry Glazer SLIFT HaHa Its got a little bit of everything.
What is your favorite feature in a terrain park?
I love how creative you can get with snow features.
What’s your go-to riding pocket snack?
Broccoli and Hummus :)
Who inspires you?
Sam K and Friends :)
Who or what originally got you into snowboarding?
Warren Miller. Back in middle school my teacher announced there would be a class field trip where we could choose to learn how to ski or snowboard at the local hill. I had never heard of snowboarding up to this point but always wanted to learn how to skateboard. I brought home the permission slip to my parents who neither rode or skied. My grades weren't the best so I was a little nervous they were going to turn it down. To my surprise, my Dad watched a Warren Miller movie the night before and was so inspired he signed the slip and paid the fee without any questions.